The success story of the Italian Banco Alimentare

On 1 and 2 December we had the great privilege to be invited to attend the International Symposium on Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition organized by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and World Health Organization at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy.

The event concentrated on three sub-themes that together provided a comprehensive picture of food systems and entry points for promoting healthy diets. The first sub-theme focused on “Supply-Side Policies and Measures for Increasing Access to Healthy Diets” with the exchange of views and country examples on improving nutrition through sustainable agricultural diversification, food waste reduction and improved postharvest management, food processing for improved nutrition value, product reformulation, bio fortification, food safety, and facilitating market access.

On 2 December we had the possibility to speak in the session on “Leveraging market opportunities for promoting healthy diet” presenting a speech about “Successful reduction of food waste along the value chain. The success story of the Italian Food Banks”.

You can watch our presentation here.